Maisha Bora Curriculum (Healthy Lives)

Source: International Youth Foundation

Year of Publication:


The “Maisha Bora” (Healthy Lives) Curriculum provides comprehensive life skills-based HIV prevention education for young people.

The curriculum was developed in Tanzania but has also been adapted for use in Zambia. This manual was designed as a guide for peer educators in promoting sexual and reproductive health knowledge and positive healthy behaviors, but it can also serve as a resource for any individual who works with young people. It was developed in recognition of the fact that young people are one of the most vulnerable groups who account for the greater percentage of new HIV infections.

Maisha Bora was evaluated in 2010. The findings showed that youth who received outreach/information through the peer educators using the curriculum increased their knowledge and attitudes around key topics such as HIV education and prevention, as evidenced by pre- and post-tests.

Community Conversation Toolkit for HIV Prevention – Facilitator’s Guide

Source: FHI 360

Year of Publication:


Materials in this toolkit include a facilitator’s guide, community mobilizer’s cards, roleplay cards, storytelling finger puppets, promotional proverbs and best kept secrets throw boxes, promotional playing cards, and dialogue buttons. These formats are designed to mobilize adults aged 20 and above in communities to take action toward HIV prevention.

The toolkit is intended to complement existing HIV prevention activities and address several key drivers: concurrency, cross-generational sex, gender-based violence, and alcohol abuse. Each material in the toolkit was tested with community mobilizers and men and women ages 20 and above in community. Sixty-nine focus group discussions and 34 in-depth interviews were conducted with men and women and with trained community facilitators who lead discussions using the materials. The toolkit has also been adapted in Lesotho, Nigeria, and Swaziland and is available in 10 languages.

The Facilitator’s Guide describes each item in the toolkit and how to use it.