Safe Love PMTCT [Radio Spot]

Source: Chemonics

This ad is part of the Safe Love campaign, a comprehensive HIV prevention campaign that addresses key drivers of HIV/AIDS in Zambia, including multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships, low and inconsistent condom use, and mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The ad encourages men to take part in protecting their unborn children. Several men are talking about what it means to be a real man. One says that being a real man means going with one’s partner to get antenatal care and HIV testing as soon as they know she’s pregnant. A real man, he says, will give his child the best start in life that he can and protect his baby from HIV. In a rapid survey of the Safe Love Campaign conducted in May 2012, it was shown that 66.5% of respondents were exposed to the Safe Love campaigns, 56% learned at least one message from the campaigns, 39% reported changing their sexual behavior as a result of the campaign, 91% felt that Safe Love messages were relevant for Zambians, and 93% reported that they had a positive reaction to the campaign’s messages.